Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS First Fascicle

star The Turkish original of the book Se’âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages. We have translated the entire book into English and have published six individual fascicles. Se’âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a bit of knowledge or word which does not confirm the creed of the Ahl-i Sunnat and Jamâ’at in this book. This is the first fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta’âlâ to help us deliver it to our dear readers.

star There are two hundred and forty (240) chapters in Se’âdet-i Ebediyye, and it consists of three parts. Forty-one of the ninety-eight chapters in the first part, thirty-four of the seventy-two chapters in the second part and thirty-three of the seventy chapters in the third part are translations of the letters in the Persian original of Maktûbât (The Letters) by Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî ‘rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih’ . A few of them are translations of letters by Hadrat Muhammad Ma’sûm ‘rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih’. The remaining chapters are taken from many valuable books. Maktûbât by Hadrat Imam-î Rabbânî consists of three volumes (I, II, III) and they contain five hundred and thirty six letters. All of them were published in two volumes in Pakistan in 1392 [1972 A.D.], and it was printed by offset in 1397 [1977 A.D.] in Istanbul. Maktûbât by Hadrat Muhammad Ma’sûm, his son, is also of three volumes (IV, V, VI). The volume number and the number of each letter translated is given below. The additions in brackets are explanations made by the translator, (i.e. Hadrat Hüseyn Hilmi Işık 'quddisa sirruh'.).

star Subjects relating to belief of ahl as-Sunnat are quoted from famous Ahl as-Sunnat scholars' books.

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Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS Second Fascicle

star Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat and Sayyid Abdulhakim Arwasi's books. Subjects include kinds of hadiths, justice, qada, qadar, madhhabs, bid'ats, fiqh, shafa'at, corrupt religions, Islam&Science and various aspects of sufism.

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Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS Third Fascicle

star Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

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Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS Fourth Fascicle

star Subjects relating to belief of ahl as-Sunnat are quoted from famous Ahl as-Sunnat scholars' books.Various aspects of Hanafi Fiqh are explained, e.g., taharat, najasat, ghusl, wudu, tayammum, water, satr, women's covering themselves, adhan, iqamat, namaz, traveler's namaz, juma prayer, and music

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Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS Fifth Fascicle

star Various aspects of Hanafi Fiqh are explained, e.g., zakat, ramadan, hajj, sadaqa-i fitr, Qurban(sacrifice), Iyd(Eid), nikah(marriage), death, janaza, burial, visiting graves, condolence, isqat and knowledge of faraid.

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Se'âdet-i Ebediyye ENDLESS BLISS Sixth Fascicle

star Halâl, harâm, and the doubtful,What is harâm to eat and things that are harâm to use, Wine, and alcoholic beverages. Is tobacco-smoking sinful?, Isrâf (wastefulness), fâiz (interest), and tobacco-smoking, Manners (âdâb) that must be observed when eating and drinking,(Siblings through) the Milk-Tie, Nafaqa, and rights of neighbours,Islam, and the woman...

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star The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices

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star The beginning of (The Sunni Path), the book by a statesman of the Ottoman Empire Ahmet Cevdet Pasha (Ma’lûmat-ı Nâfia=Beneficial Information), gives a succinct information about how to believe in the religion of Islam and makes the classification of the science of Islam. Imâm-ı Gazâli, one of the greatest savants of Islam, briefly explains the explanations of Ahl-i-sunnat savants of the true religion of Islam preached by Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the life of Imâm-ı A’zam Ebû Hanifa, a great Ahl-i-sunnat savant, is summarized in the book (The Sunni Path). Besides, given are an answer to the slanderers and an explanation to (How to be a True Muslim?)

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star This work, Belief and Islam, originally was written in Persian under the title I’tiqâd-nâma by Hadrât Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî, a profound ‘âlim of Islam and a specialist in ma’ârif of tasawwuf. Hâji Faydullah Effendi of Kemah, a khalîfa of great walî Mavlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib, the brother of the author, translated the book into Turkish and named it Farâid-ul-fawâid which was printed in Istanbul in 1312 A.H.[1894]. Our bookstore had it translated again from the Persian original into Turkish and, some explanations and three chapters, published it with the title Imân ve Islâm in 1966. German, French and Arabic versions are also published by our bookstore. This book, explains five fundamentals of Islam, six fundamentals of îmân and the contemporary information about the matter and refutes those who are against Islam and those who are lâ-madbhabî.

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star In this precious book written by Imâm-ı Rabbânî Ahmed Fârûkî Serhendi, one of the greatest savants of Islam, explained are the proof of Prophethood, the special features of a Prophet that distinguish him from other men, a miracle, the Prophethood of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the lives of great savants of Islam such as Sayyed Abdülhakîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Fehîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Tâhâ-i Hakkârî and Hüseyn Hilmi bin Sa’id Effendi are briefly narrated.

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star This is a refutation of the lies and slanders which the lâ-madhhabî Rashîd Rıdâ of Egypt, who appeared in the disguise of a religious man and wrote against the scholars of Islam in his book Muhâwarât.

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star Brief passages from the reputed books of ahl as-sunnat scholars are quoted for refuting corrupt Wahhabi and la-madhhabiyya beliefs.

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This book is written in the nature of a “key” for those Muslim brothers of ours who have just a smattering of knowledge on how the Islamic religion has developed, and it has been written for those non-Muslims willing to know the fundamentals of Islam. Islam, the most up-to-date and the most immaculate of the world’s existing religions, is based upon very humane and very logical principles. Without going into details, this book touches upon the fundamentals of Islam and makes a comparison of Islam with other religions. It answers criticisms raised against Islam by its adversaries and explains as compendiously as possible the qualifications essential for being a good Muslim.

For those who would like to read valuable books on Islam written by Islamic scholars (rahimahumullâhu ta’âlâ) after learning the facts contained in this book, we advise that they read books published in different languages by the Hakîkat Kitabevi (Bookstore) in Istanbul. The names of these books are appended to our books. Read this book slowly and with reflection! Encourage others to read it, too! An ignorant person cannot be a good Muslim. Indeed, it is impossible for a person not to attach all his heart to Islam after learning its fundamentals. After reading this book, you will also realize what a lofty, sacred, logical, and perfect religion Islam is, and you will attach all your heart and soul to it in order to attain salvation and repose in this world and in the hereafter.

star Islam that abrogated celestial religions of Judaism and Christianity along with their validity is explained first. That Qur’an-ı Karîm is word of Allah; miracles of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm, his virtues, moral practices and habits; how to be a true Muslim; a comparison of Islam and Christianity; that Muslims are scientifically powerful; are explained next.

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star It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible - the true book revealed to Isa 'alaihis-salam - was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the unity of Allahu ta’ala) in Islam. Besides, a few very precious letters - a food of a soul by Muhammad Ma’sûm-î Fârûkî - take place. Information about Judaism, Torah and Talmud is also given.

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star Must read for every Muslim!
This book ConfessionbyaBritishspy, translated from the book (Muzakkarat-ul Mister Hempher) which was published in Cairo by (Dâr-ul-kitâb-is-sufi), consists of the memoirs of Hempher, one of the thousands of spies, men or women, send to islamic countries by Ministry of the British Colonies, to demolish the Islamic religion. In this confession, the spy, Hempher, disclosed the lies and slanders fabricated by the Ministry; how he had deceived Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab, the founder of Wahhâbism; how he had strived to divide Muslims into groups and to corrupt their religion.

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star A collection of small books written by Sunni scholars for answering Shi'a claims.

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star Ethics of Islam is taken from the book Berîka by Muhammad Hâdimi. Immorality and ways to get rid of it; 40 depravities and cures to them; usefulness of ethics; what is a soul; strengths of a soul; Personalities emanating from wisdom, courage, chastity and justice are extensively explained.

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SAHABA ‘The Blessed’

star At the beginning of the book (The Blessed) superiority of Ashâb of our prophet, Muhammad ´alayhissalâm, is explained along with how unjust and ignorant are those who defame Ashâb-ı-kirâm. Besides, the meaning of ijtihâd is explained. In the part of cautioning, an answer is given to the book (Hüsniyye) written by an enemy of Islam. In another part, biographies of great savants of Islam - hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni and hadrat Sayyed Abdülhakîm-ı Arvâsi - are explained. In the part Two Apples of the Eye of Muslims superiority of hadrat Abû Bakr and hadrat Omar is explained; in the part The First Fitna in Islam events between Ashâb-ı-kirâm are explained beautifully from the pen of hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî Sarhandi who explains that to love all of Ashâb-ı-kirâm is a fundamental condition of being Ahl-i-sunnat.

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star Allâhu ta’âlâ pities all the people on the earth, and sends them the useful things He creates. He has taught the entire humanity how they should act and behave so that they may lead a life of comfort and peace in the world and in the Hereafter. Choosing some of the people whose deserved destination in the Hereafter is Hell, He will magnanimously forgive them and bless them with Paradise....

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star The original title of the book, Booklet for Way to Paradise, which we are currently presenting, is Miftâh-ul-Janna, which means The Key of the Gate to Paradise. It was written by Muhammad bin Qutb-ud-dîn Iznikî ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’, who passed away in Edirne in the hegiral lunar year 885 [1480 A.D.]. Profound Islamic scholar Sayyid ’Abd-ul-Hakîm Efendi ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ (1281 [1865 A.D.], Bashkal’a, Van – 1362 [1943 A.D.], Ankara, Turkey) stated: “The author of the book entitled Miftâh-ul-Janna is said to have been a pious person. It will be useful to read it.” Therefore, we have published the book. The explanations here and there in the book and which have been added within brackets are citations borrowed from other books. They are by no means expressions of personal views and comments. May Allâhu ta’âlâ protect us all against separatism and disunion, which are the inescapable consequences of falling into the traps set by Islam’s enemies lying in ambush and their treacherous, heretical, lâ-madhhabî, reformist-minded accomplices under Muslim names, some of whom pass for men of religion! May He unite us all within the Madh-hab of Ahl as-Sunnat, the one and only way of following and adapting ourselves to His beloved Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’! May He bless us all with a way of life wherein we love and help one another! Âmîn.

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KITAB AS-SALAT Muslim Ritual Prayers

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O Son

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